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Leo Moon Sign Simha Rashi may 2020 Monthly Prediction

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Leo moon sign Simha rashi Leo  House is Ownes by Sun (Surya). Moon sign (Rashi) Leo  means that Moon was present in Leo Sign in birth time. If you do not know your moon sign, Please generate free Horoscope Prediction to know this. Please note that this is not Western Sun sign based prediction.

Moon Astro Brings Free monthly report for Leo  Moon Sign.This prediction is based on Indian Vedic Moon sign (Rashi) based astrology.

       Health Prediction:

The initial days of the first week of this month might bringyou distraction which might be subsided during the latter part of the first week.You may be troubled with stomach and optical issues. The second week may bringyou moderate health. The third week may find you to be distracted. While thefourth week may bring you moderate physical and mental health.

       Business and Job Prediction:

The first week of May might be lucky for you if you are a governmentservice holder, lawyer, or other service holder of various other fieldsrespectively. Though your business dealings might be moderately successful. Youmay be inattentive in your work during this period. The second week may bringyou loss if you are initiating a new type of business. You may be lucky in yourjob, and you may feel pressurized with excess works. Also, for the unemployedpeople, this time of the month may bring you luck. The third week may find youto be promoted, valued, and honoured in your workplace. You may find assistancefrom someone who might aid you to reach success in your job. The fourth weekmay be favourable for doctors and lawyers. You may be engaged in transactionalissues. For actors, singers, and people who are engaged in the field ofliterature, this period may be lucky for you. For people who are engaged in foodand drink business, you might find luck to be favouring you during this period.Moreover, service holders, you may find yourself to be promoted or upgraded inyour job.

       Financial Prediction:

You may lose money during the first week of May. The secondweek may bring you stable financial conditions. The third week may find youagain to be losing money. The rear of the month may be unfavourable for yourfinance, you might lose money due to your aggression and there are chances ofyou being in debt.

       Educational Prediction:

The initial days of the month may bring you luck regardingyour education and studies. As the month progresses towards the mid of May, youmight face hurdles and obstacles blocking your way to success in the field ofeducation. While the rear of the month may bring you luck again in your studiesand education.

       Social Life Prediction:

The first week of May might bring you trouble with the actsof your relatives. You may have fun while travelling, and you may be anxiousdue to the issues concerning your children. You may be stressed over familialissues. The second week may bring you depression due to the acts of yourrelatives. You may get a chance to travel. Also, your kids may be the reasonbehind your anxieties. The initial days of the third week may find you to beaided by your friends and you may also find new, favourable connections. Your opponentsmight harm you, but your kids may bring you contentment. The latter days of thethird week may find you to be indulged in disagreements with your familymembers. You might be content with your kids acts. You might be praised foryour social services. The fourth week may bring you discord with your familymembers, your enemies might try to hinder your job, you might find contentmentand happiness in the company of your relatives.

       Love and Married Life Prediction:

Your love life may be favourable for you in May. Yourmarried life may be disappointing and filled with confrontations anddisagreements.

Free Moonsign Prediction for May 2020 is here..